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September 29, 2015: An important message for politicians: Raising taxes does not reduce inequality

often, issues have an intuitive answer that comes quickly, but just as often, that intuitive answer can be wildly inaccurate. The Democrats have proposed higher taxes on their definition of the wealthy, as a solution to the Obama-exacerbated problem of income inequality. Those of us in the working world know that job creation leads to […]

September 29, 2015: An important message for politicians: Raising taxes does not reduce inequality Read More »

Democrats celebrate as thousands are fired!?! Socialism at its best!

Thousands of jobs lost, and Democrats celebrate?? ‘Mr. Bronars crunched the numbers and discovered that the “first wave of minimum wage increases appears to have led to the loss of over 1,100 food service jobs in the Seattle metro division and over 2,500 restaurant jobs in the San Francisco metro division.” ‘ Only a Democrat

Democrats celebrate as thousands are fired!?! Socialism at its best! Read More »

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