What: Mama Bear / Papa Bear Ice Cream Social
When: Sunday, September 18 — 1pm to 4pm
Where: Veterans Park, 14407 Stark Road, Livonia
Featuring: School Board Candidates from Livonia, Plymouth and Northville
Ice Cream and Bounce Houses for the Kids
Cost: $0 (registration required)
Register at: https://fb.me/e/2U4pyPzLZ
(If you are not on Facebook, please just email your RSVP [to either the getkidsbacktoschoolmi@gmail.com or northvillerepubs@sbcglobal.net , depending on which site] as a reply. Thanks!)
Join us for a Mama Bear / Papa Bear Ice Cream Social. Kick off the new school year with a fun event, featuring free ice cream and bounces for the kids. Hear from great school board candidates in Livonia, Plymouth and Northville who are working to make sure your voices are heard when it comes to teaching your kids. Also hear from Cathryn Neracher, candidate for the MI House 22nd District. Sunday Sept. 18 from 1 to 4pm. Veterans Park, 14407 Stark Road, Livonia. See you there!
Matthew J. Wilk
17245 Cameron Dr.
Northville, MI 48168
Phone: (734) 751-0328